Coldplay Everyday Life mp3
Premiere date: November 22nd 2019
Format: 320kb/s, mp3
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Coldplay Everyday Life album songs list:
Disc 1
1. Sunrise
2. Church
3. Trouble In Town
4. BrokEn
5. Daddy
7. Arabesque
8. When I Need A Friend
Disc 2
1. Guns
2. Orphans
3. Èkó
4. Cry Cry Cry
5. Old Friends
6. ???
7. Champion Of The World
8. Everyday Life
Most recently, the rumor mill was almost all about a new, maybe even two new albums by Coldplay. The band announced their return with a series of posters that were on display in Berlin, Hong Kong, Sydney and other cities around the world.
They also changed their social media profile picture into a picture of the sun and moon, triggering speculation that their supposedly “experimental” album is on the way that was discussed earlier.
The album cover is based on a photograph taken in 1919 of the great-grandfather of Coldplay guitarist Jonny Buckland. The artwork was first shown with mysterious posters and billboards and around the world, from Sao Paolo to Tokyo.
Both are radically different. While “Orphans” continues the world music maximum sound pop that’s been part of Coldplay’s new DNA since “Mylo Xyloto”, “Arabesque” sounds like nothing else the British have done so far. French lines (from Belgian producer / rapper Stromae + band Femi Kuti). Found sounds. Saxophone (with jazz improv!). Brass. And a crash finale. The best coldplay track since at least “Viva La Vida” was apparently influenced by the booming neo-jazz wave in London.
In fact, Coldplay has invested a lot of energy into sounding as impossible as Coldplay 2011-2018. Chris Martin on the band’s new claim in a radio interview: “We’ve done a lot of incredible things and it felt like we’ve achieved everything we’ve ever achieved, so the only thing we can do next is ours To follow our hearts, not to worry about commercial things and just follow the emotions and feel comfortable with the music “.
Chris Martin said in an interview with Jo Whiley on BBC Radio 1 that the new songs are reacting to the state of the world. At the same time, the musicians want to penetrate with their new pieces to a positive view of the world. A Dutch website also notes that there is an indication to the LP that “Everyday Life” is responding to hot topics such as war, the refugee crisis, the rise of nationalism, sexism, racism, police brutality, corruption and gun control.
Coldplay released their new album EVERYDAY LIFE on November 22nd. According to the band, the new record reflects their feelings towards the environment. “When you have the privilege of traveling around the world, you know that we are all from the same place. In a very gentle, British way, we say that we do not feel any different from any other person in the world. “
Their previous album, A HEAD FULL OF DREAMS, was released in 2015, with this record Coldplay toured in 2016 and 2017 on four continents and played over 120 concerts.
For the time being he will only be able to hear EVERYDAY LIFE live in Europe. On November 25, Coldplay will play a one-time concert at London’s Natural History Museum. All proceeds will be donated to an environmental organization.
One day before the release of the album, Coldplay will also be offering another double sample of it. They released the two new songs “Champion Of The World” and “Daddy”.
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