Cupcakke Eden Full album

Format: mp3, 320kb/s

Premiere: November 9 2018

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CupcakKe started 2018 with a concrete album. So specific that even Pitchfork honored Ephorize is called “Best New Music” as the first release this year. Is it right? It should be considered in a separate discussion, but it is hard to remain indifferent to the charms of comically eroticised of tracks such as “Duck Duck Goose” or “Crayons”. Those whose work and BabeczkKi not convinced, can convince the new album, artist, Eden. If he does not convince you, please do not write us emails with complaints. We write “may”, because for the moment we know about him is that he will … (November 9). And that eventually he will get a cover, the aesthetics of which is much more thought-out than the designs of the covers of earlier publications of the rapper.

On hot due to Ephorize’s last album, which fell in January, CupcakKe announced their second album of the year. It is called Eden, and will be released on 9 November. She also probably shared a cover, a photo of MC from Chicago, with chocolate syrup and sprinkles, so everyone could see the niche. Some new singles from the self-styled Marilyn MonHoe game, including “Quiz”, “Blackjack” and “Hot Pockets” appeared in the announcements. It also provides music videos for each track. Fresh after the release of three new singles in spring and summer, the Chicago rapper Elizabeth Eden Harris, known as Cupcakke, announced on November 9 as the official release date of her upcoming album Eden. It is a type of kicker-pusher artist who is both respected and insulted. Sex sells, but the branding direction that Elizabeth has chosen artistically seems to be consumed by the nature of her personality, not by tricks. Seductress with a kind of raw, clear verbal words, it makes even the most carefree person sexually hold pearls. If it was a movie in the cinema, its content would be subordinated to the strict assessment of the NC-17, there was no subject too disgraceful to embrace, no territory was left unattended. When artists refuse to walk the line, I am reminded that it is reinforcing and hardcore is always better than the truncated down. We want what is real and true. Leave us using tricks “leave something to the imagination”, we will do the fantasies of his own time.

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