Earl Sweatshirt Some Rap Songs mp3

Format: mp3, 320kb/s

Premiere: November 30th 2018

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File size;: 338,2 MB

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Earl Sweatshirt Some Rap Songs mp3 songs list:

1. Shattered Dreams

2. Red Water

3. Cold Summers


5. December 24

6. Ontheway!

7. The Mint (Ft. Navy Blue)

8. The Bends

9. Loosie

10. Azucar

11. Eclipse

12. Veins

13. Playing Possum (Ft. Cheryl Harris & Keorapetse Kgositsile)

14. Peanut

15. Riot!

A few weeks ago, the California cult hero, Earl Sweatshirt, broke the long silence, releasing the new song “Nowhere2Go”. The new song came after a performance at a concert memory Mac Miller, as well as in the film, Vince Staples! “Album. But if anyone thought that Earl issue large commercial gain, is confused, stumbling” Nowhere2Go “naprawiłby this concept. Today, Earl returned from new song, and this is just as twisted as the first. As noted by Pitchfork, Earl has just launched a new song “The Mint.” The song is a deep blue, a relative unknown who has worked extensively with the young New York underground rapper MIKE. (MIKE also gets an exclamation on Earl’s poem.) The music of the song is a foggy gurgle that sounds right next to it, all of its elements do not line up in a linear way. And Earl sounds like at home on such a track. “The Mint” has no hook. Instead, after the introductory verse Navy Blue Earl spends a few minutes to unload each other, referring to how much time was spent outside the center of attention: “Two years, has gone missing, I live live / It was wild, and the daily were garbage.” It sounds hard, but he still knows how to rattle. Earl Sweatshirt new album bears the name reportedly Some Rap Songs, according to the website, which has just been launched, and digital downloads will be issued 11/30.

Earl Sweatshirt released on November 30th his first album in three years. The follow-up to 2015’s ”I Don’t Like Shit, I Don’t Go Outside”. The new album is called ”Some Rap Songs”.

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